Bài đăng

Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 1, 2020

Thoughts of the day: A dream

Last night, I dreamed about a massacre. I'm in an animated short movie with a great style of drawing and coloring. I can't describe it in a specific term though, because I know nothing about the technical stuff. Now when I think about it, it’s quite similar to the Three Brother part in the movie Harry Potter and the Deadly Hallows (Part 1 ) about the style and the spooky tone. The detail and “drawing” is way more specific and magnificent though. Well, it's a "tale" of a queen who want to find a bride for her step son (the prince), so she hosted a night Ball for all the girls in the kingdom to come. It's kinda like a Cinderella party when everyone dresses beautifully and sparkling to have a chance to meet the future king and be the new princess. At first, the whole thing is so bright with all the light and candles, everything is drowning in cozy, luxury, golden, gigantic dance floor. All the girls are so beautiful and faking a seduce smile. Little did the...