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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 7, 2019

Linh tinh trong ngày: Moon Landing và khu vực 51

Hôm nay Google Doodle có làm một cái đặc biệt mừng 50 năm lần đầu tiên con người đặt chân lên mặt trăng. Công nhận nhanh thật, thoắt cái đã nửa thế kỷ đổi trắng thay đen, thanh niên thành người già, người già thì thành xương trắng, Buzz Aldrin nay cũng đã được chỉ mặt đăt tên, thế hệ mới thì chìm đắm trong thuyết âm mưu do quá rảnh. Nhớ hồi nào mình còn đọc mấy cái clip có nội dung móc xỉa mấy người tin rằng “ Moon Landing ” là giả. Người ta chứng minh rằng công nghệ phim trường thời bấy giờ không đủ trình độ CGI để tạo ra cái thước phim kỹ xảo hoành tráng cỡ đó, thà xây cái tên lửa, đào tạo hai phi hành gia rồi bắn xịt tụi ảnh lên trên mặt trăng lại thực tế và dễ làm hơn. Mình coi cũng vui, chỉ là mình không có kiến thức về vật lý, tia sáng, tia gamma, bóng nắng chi đó lẫn kiến thức về góc quay này nọ để kiểm chứng cái đoạn clip kia. Chúng nó có gào lên thời đại đó người ta xài máy Canon LBP 2900 để quay phim Vertigo thì mình cũng chịu chết vì có biết gì đâu mà cãi. Đối với mìn...

Thoughts of the day: New kind of porn???

Everybody watches porn. Get over it! Recently, I found out that there is a thing called “Porn for girls”. I don’t know what is the technical name for this category, but it is the kind of porn for women. How did I know that? Well, they have a face of a beautiful man on the thumbnail and it is NOT a gay porn, okay? Maybe I am late for the party, maybe it has been there for a long ass time and my limited, ignoring mind just too dumb to know. Maybe it’s a common sense, maybe it’s old as the Earth, maybe it’s a basic knowledge that I happened just exploring last week. So excuse me for lack of porn experience, it’s totally new concept for me. Well, just like a good product, this kind of porn knows their customers and what they wants. It’s not like soft porn when I get so frustrated knowing they are faking it and they are doing a horrendous job to look satisfied. It’s not gross like hardcore porn or any ordinary porn for men when I got some wrinkles in my forehead or raising my ...

My self-introduction for a job

Money is never an issue until you’re lack of it. For over a year with my little salary and family’s supports (I’m living with my parents and all), I manage to live a simple and happy life. Looking up and down in society by a phony ladder, I consider myself not a poor lady but no way near the average standard. It’s my choice to feel enough in life. For the last two months, I’ve been in a serious money problems. Maybe “serious” is a little exaggerated because right now I don’t own anyone anything, we, normal Asian don’t like living in debt. But living in smoking, cloudy days with the infinite concern about turning green is not the thing I prepare to do either. About 10 days ago, when I looked at how little Uncle Hồ smiling at me in my wallet, I did a Japanese thing when I started to write down all the things I spent in the first 5 days of July. Well, the fact is I didn’t waste my money in anything. Not on clothes, not on luxury foods, not on random things I saw online, not on booze...

Thoughts of the Day: "The Ramen Girl"

Today a fashion shop on Facebook has a thread asking their customers about their feeling when they first received their college entrance exam scores. I supposed they ask those kids who just went through this brutal and stressful test to graduate high school last month and were scared shitless when they typed their registration number on the website yesterday. But who cares? I could answer that question, right? No matter what, I was that kid 10 years ago. Just a decade away, that’s not so much. Well, it’s quite a miracle and I was surprised by myself that I still have enough brain cells to remember it. So, I was lying on my bed, it was about 9 or 10 AM, my standard morning lazy sleeping time, then my friends texted me that we had our scores. My scores were alright. They weren’t greatly good but they weren't average either, even though I was disappointed a little bit because I thought I did better than that. Then again, I had a strong feeling that I will make it through. ...

About Watership Down – Richard Adams

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Well, it’s not a literature homework so I will write all I want to write. Prepare yourself for some nonsense thoughts. So Watership Down is widely considered a children book. Judging on the book’s summary in the front page, this novel is about a journey of a pack of cute rabbits looking for a new place called home, it’s surely for kids. But if you look a little bit closer, those wild killer machine rabbits fights each other to the last fur on their tails just for the only sole survival reason: to get laid, you can tell it’s definitely a children classic. It never be the long ass length, the bloody fights, the gory deaths of several rabbits,… that makes Watership Down is rated R. It’s a glorious melody that only for adults (or mature teenagers) could fully appreciate. Just like The Little Prince is never meant for children, it’s for all the souls in the world happening to lost the way in their lives. There is no way a freaking 8 years old can understand how important a ...